
Vacationing in Midcoast Maine

- Sass and Veracity

"Our friend is a farmer — the farmer behind  Headacre Farm near Rockland. We feel pretty special that she allowed us to work with her one day as she was preparing for market day the next.

I have never been one to shy away from hard work, so expected to have to use some elbow grease that day. Instead, I sorted and bunched beautiful kale while listening to classical music in a setting perfect enough for summer events under strings of white lights.  It was lovely."

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A community-based venue for ‘one-stop shopping’ in Martinsville

- St. George Dragon

"For farmers and gardeners who grow vegetables, the harvest may still be underway, but October is the month they tend to be reflecting on the season’s successes and failures and what changes need to be made. “Once we hit October, my focus switches to next year,” says Anne Perkins of Headacre Farm in Owls Head by way of confirming that for her, at least, this is very much the case. She’s already vowing to get pumpkins, winter squash and melons planted on time in the spring, something she was unable to do this year. And she is toying with other changes as well. But there is one thing she knows she will definitely not be changing—her participation in the Thursday farmers’ market at the Ocean View Grange in Martinsville. In fact, her plan is to have a bigger presence next year."

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Youthlinks Farm Camp at Headacre Farm

- Broadreach News


"'Who likes vegetables here?' Chef Kerry Altiero of Café Miranda asks a group of campers from Youthlinks. 'No one? Well let me tell you something, vegetables just need a little dressing up!' For the first four weeks of July campers entering grades six through eight were invited to Headacre Farm in Owls Head to learn about farming and cooking with Anne Perkins, Deb Donnelly and Kerry Altiero. At Headacre Farm, Anne, Deb and Kerry set out to prove to groups of middle school age campers that the world of organic, local farming is an exciting one with numerous health and environmental benefits."

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